Friday, January 26, 2007


So I am officially an internet whore: I have my own bloody blog bitches.
Here is the list of things that piss the living fuck out of me

_ People with no knowledge on what the fuck is going on on this planet right now. There are important issues to be dealt with such as global warming, all the fucking ethnic related wars going on everywhere, all the third world country that keep getting poorer and poorer so some fat sons of bitches can get richer and richer. Those morons who pretend like only their own fucking lives matter need to learn a lesson that if they keep not caring about what the fuck is going on, Karma is going to come bite you in the ass... And I believe we have seen Karma biting a superpower in the ass couple years ago...

_ The medias piss me off, how they keep reporting absolutly insignificant news such as that stupid prehistoric shark who got captured... Wo-hoo We got a fucking shark live on video. Yay. What about all the fucking wars in Africa that no one reports on because there are no economical interests there ? REALIST THINKING MY ASS.

_ Trends and their fucking followers. Emo is a fucking trend, a label that so many fucking kids in the Western civilization take on so they can bitch and whine about how fucking miserable their lives are... Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker, try living in Sierra Leone for a change... Then come back and keep bitching about the awful capitalist system we live in. How bad is the land of consumers where you can buy your latest "My Chemical Romance" CD, buy your fucking gay little hat and get that flippy thing hairstyle like that guy from that band... Get a fucking clue and open your eyes, and for God's sake, remove that stupid mascara.

I think I got this out of my system for now... Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

The Comix Underground said...

Hey baby, come on and conform to society, you know you want to wear studded belts and tattoo a tear under your eye!

Feh fuck that noise, fuck emos, and fuck all the coverup bullshit the government and the news pull over our faces.